There are so many printers on store shelves today - tons of different options to choose from! Are they really all that different? How much thought should you put into your purchase or will you impulse buy whatever’s on sale? Are some brands better than others? Read on for three vital questions to ask when buying a new printer.
Read MoreWe’re well into the digital age and we do more things online now than ever before. So, does that mean printing is becoming obsolete? Where is the place for printers in your home, work or school? Here’s a few of our thoughts and some research on why printers still have a place and are here to stay!
Read More‘Black only’ (or grayscale) printing seems to be a confusing subject. It's one of those things we at Men In Ink find ourselves talking about often! Saving money while printing efficiently is the goal, so let’s dive into this one… Should you print grayscale whenever possible? Will that save your colour ink and keep you printing longer and more inexpensively?
Read MoreContinuous ink systems aren't new on the market, but it's something we're asked about from time to time. Online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay have lots of vendors selling these aftermarket systems for many different inkjet printers. They seem like a great idea, would save you money and might be better for the environment... so should you go for it?
Read MoreIt's a new year with new resolutions, and it's always time to save some money too! Printing can get expensive and it's mostly a necessity in our lives now. So, how can you keep printing as needed and yet be frugal while doing so? We've compiled our top five tips for saving money on printing this year.
Read MoreThere are so many online retailers for ink and toner cartridges. They offer compatible ink and toner, and sometimes brand names too, at discounted prices and usually ship to your door for free. We're not one to stand in the way of progress, but with ink and toner in particular - should you go for it?
Read MoreHello everyone! We want to share a bit more with you today about why we aren't able to refill toner cartridges. We get asked for this service constantly and understandably so! Toner cartridges are expensive, impact the environment and should be refillable, right? Here's the whole story...
Read MoreConcerned about how printing impacts the environment? Yea, we are too! Allow us to fill you in on how the industry works, what the most 'green' printing choices are, and how you you can be eco-savvy with your own printing.
Read MoreWe still refill everything we possibly can (and you'll still save money!) but the industry has changed quite a bit. Here's part two of the most frequently asked questions we've answered just for you!
Read MoreRefilling ink cartridges was how Men In Ink started. It was a new concept way back then and it took off wildly! Pretty much everything could be refilled, and with a little expertise we kept our customers printing and saved them bucket loads of cash. Fast forward to 2017 and it's a bit of a different story...
Read MoreWe get asked this question a lot, and understandably so! Ink and toner cartridges are expensive, so why pay even more? Let's debunk this so you know what you need, what you don't and what will actually save you some cash.
Read MoreAlthough not all ink cartridges can be refilled, it's such a good option for your printing needs! You probably don't need convincing, but here are the top five reasons to refill your ink cartridges.
Read MoreDoes it seem like every time you go to print, it's streaky or blotchy? You run a few clean cycles and finally the clogs seem to get better, but then your ink is running low... didn't you just refill your cartridges?!! So, why do your ink cartridges dry out so quickly? And, more importantly, what you can do about it.
Read MoreThis is a commonly asked question for a reason. Printing can be very expensive and most of us are looking for the most economical option to meet our needs. There's not quite a straight answer to this one, so let's dive into this a bit.
Read MoreThere are so many printers out there and so many different opinions... to say it's a little confusing would be an understatement! Take our crash course on inkjet vs. laser so you make the right choice for your printing needs.
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