Ink & Toner Experts Since 2002



Posts tagged refilling
What's the Deal with Refill-It-Yourself Printers?

For the past few years, Epson and Canon have marketed their refill-it-yourself printers to those of us frustrated with constantly running out of ink! Not to mention the high cost of brand name replacement cartridges... These printers have a higher up front cost, but they will cost less to run day-to-day. So, is it worth a purchase? Let's dig deeper...

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Why We Don't Refill Toner Cartridges

Hello everyone! We want to share a bit more with you today about why we aren't able to refill toner cartridges. We get asked for this service constantly and understandably so! Toner cartridges are expensive, impact the environment and should be refillable, right? Here's the whole story...

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